Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blogpost 8: Sleeping Disorder: Sexsomnia or Sleep Sex

Making love in the middle of the night while both of you are half asleep is undoubtedly pleasurable. But what if you suddenly realize that your partner is still asleep; not just half asleep but fully asleep on the job?

Sleep sex or Sexomnia may sound like a fake word, but it is actually a sleep disorder that can adversely affect one’s self esteem and relationships.

Curiosity leads to knowledge. So, I read an article entitled "Sexsomnia Is Like Sleepwalking, But Instead of Walking You're Fucking" written by Wendy Syfret in According to the article that sleep sex causes people to engage in sexual acts while unconscious. These behaviors include masturbation, fondling of one’s partner, and even full sexual intercourse.It also tells that those who suffer from sexsomnia have confusion arousal and rarely remember the event. 

it only means that people who have a history of doing other sleep activities such as sleepwalking or sleep talking are more likely to exhibit sexsomnia episodes. Factors that may increase episodes of sleep sex are alcohol, sleep deprivation or even sleep apnea and other sleep disruptions. Sexsomnia episodes could be triggered by the contact with bed partner.

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